Thursday, September 13, 2012

By Request

I have a new all request broadcast, Fridays from 1-3 PM.
You can send me a request by going to

A the beginning of this project I expected a lot of Pachelbel Canon-Beethoven 5th-Eine kleine Nachtmusick-not that there's anything wrong with that!-
What a bloody snob am I!

Here's a sample of the request received so far.

Havergal Brian: Symphony 1 "Gothic"
Bizet: Pearl Fishers Duet ("Au fond du temple saint") with Caruso and Mario Ancona

Brahms: Piano concerto 2
Hildegard von Bingen: Ordo Virtuum
Shostakovich: Symphony 5
Dan Locklair: Symphony of Seasons

Wienawski: Piece de legende
Mahler: Piano quartet in a
Verdi: Si pel Ciel! (Otello)

Do I love my listeners or what?

For more info on By Request:
 We stream worldwide

Fridays at 1 PM
What do YOU want to hear?

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